All your friends think gay marriage is wrong, but you don't. Does this mean you are different, that your perspective is wrong?
Your family is very conservative and believes in a particular religion and a particular God. In your opinion, God is fictional and doesn't exist. Is your belief not right?
While you get many good job opportunities with a high salary, you choose a job in a small company, which is located in the outskirts of the city, just because you think the work pressure will be minimal. Your family isn't happy with your choice and think you won't be happy with this position for long. Was your choice wrong?
The answer to all these questions in NO. Your perspective isn't wrong, your belief isn't wrong and your choice isn't wrong. There is nothing such as right or wrong. Everything in this world is relative. It is okay to think differently and to be different. It doesn't mean you are wrong, it means you are unique. Uniqueness is an excellent quality, which will help you succeed in life.
Do you think Einstein would have become famous if he had the same ideas as the previous scientists in his field? No, his theory became famous because it was new and unique. All the inventions and technology wouldn't have happened if is wasn't for the inventor's individual idea and fantasy.
Siddhartha Gautama's distinctive way of looking at life lead to a whole new religion: Buddhism.
It was Mother Teresa's special character, which made her sacrifice her entire life to help others, which lead to the organization Missionaries of Charity.
I'm not saying that all unique people will be world-famous and invent something. What I'm saying is, uniqueness will help you achieve your life goal and to be happy. It will help you find and accomplish the purpose of your life. Don't push away your uniqueness, just because society thinks it is “wrong”. In my opinion, the word “wrong” should not exist at all, because there is no justification to that word.
The majority of us (in India) have been taught to go with the flow, but to be unique at the same time. What an irony. All your life you family and friends have specific expectations from you, which may not allow your true self to show itself. Not many of us have the power to make important choices in our lives at an early age. Many of you can't choose which school you want to go to, which syllabus you want to take, which subjects you want to choose, what extra skills and activities you want to undertake, or which course to attend in college. You are forced to do many things because the majority of the society does the same. If this is the case how can your parents expect you to be unique? Is that even possible if all your choices are made for you? No. This is why all decisions concerning a child or a teenager must be made only taking the child's selection and wish into consideration.
You should stand up for your belief and for your perspective. That doesn't make you stubborn, it makes you persistent and strong-willed. No one should be forced into believing in a belief-system. They should be able to take their time and form their own opinion on the topic religion and God. Besides, it is not the religion or the God which you believe in, that matters. It is only your faith which makes a difference.
Go and shout out to all narrow-minded people, who blindly follow every social norm: Unique is good!
Don't allow your true identity to be oppressed by social expectations and norms. Even when your family convinces you that you are wrong, don't believe it. You aren't wrong, you are unique.
Sexual orientation is another topic which is taboo in conservative homes. Being gay is not at all respected as an option. It is atrocious to bring up that topic in a conservative family. Many homosexual people suffer because of the narrow-mindedness of our society. Because of this, many of them look at themselves in a negative manner and have difficulties with accepting their identities, since it is “wrong”. What many of us don't understand or rather what we don't want to accept is that homosexual people aren't responsible for the way the feel about their own gender. It is something natural.
For everyone out there, who thinks homosexuality is not appropriate or “wrong”, remember that it is just your opinion and that you have no right to judge a person because of their sexual identity.
In our society, girl often have to behave in a specific way, do certain things and avoid particular activities. I believe this is because our female ancestors didn't have exposure to many activities which are considered boyish. Girls can't dress in jeans and Tees, do lots of physical work or even work out a lot. Some people find girls with well-defined muscles disgusting or too manly. Girls have so many restrictions at wherever they go. Aren't you tired of hearing “Sit with your legs closed.” or “Don't be out late.” or “Don't talk to boys.” or “Don't wear tight clothes.”? Do you think others have the right to decide how you should behave? I think you yourself should be the judge of it.
Even though all the restrictions mentioned above may seem very trivial, they do make a difference. All these little things together make up who you are. You shouldn't be told how to sit, dress or just how to behave by anyone. You should decide that, because that's who you are.
Don't be afraid of “what others would say”. It absolutely doesn't matter. In the end all that counts is your happiness. Stand up for it, be yourself. Think differently. Create. Be unique.
-- R
* I'm not rude, I'm outspoken.
Your family is very conservative and believes in a particular religion and a particular God. In your opinion, God is fictional and doesn't exist. Is your belief not right?
While you get many good job opportunities with a high salary, you choose a job in a small company, which is located in the outskirts of the city, just because you think the work pressure will be minimal. Your family isn't happy with your choice and think you won't be happy with this position for long. Was your choice wrong?
The answer to all these questions in NO. Your perspective isn't wrong, your belief isn't wrong and your choice isn't wrong. There is nothing such as right or wrong. Everything in this world is relative. It is okay to think differently and to be different. It doesn't mean you are wrong, it means you are unique. Uniqueness is an excellent quality, which will help you succeed in life.
Do you think Einstein would have become famous if he had the same ideas as the previous scientists in his field? No, his theory became famous because it was new and unique. All the inventions and technology wouldn't have happened if is wasn't for the inventor's individual idea and fantasy.
Siddhartha Gautama's distinctive way of looking at life lead to a whole new religion: Buddhism.
It was Mother Teresa's special character, which made her sacrifice her entire life to help others, which lead to the organization Missionaries of Charity.
I'm not saying that all unique people will be world-famous and invent something. What I'm saying is, uniqueness will help you achieve your life goal and to be happy. It will help you find and accomplish the purpose of your life. Don't push away your uniqueness, just because society thinks it is “wrong”. In my opinion, the word “wrong” should not exist at all, because there is no justification to that word.
The majority of us (in India) have been taught to go with the flow, but to be unique at the same time. What an irony. All your life you family and friends have specific expectations from you, which may not allow your true self to show itself. Not many of us have the power to make important choices in our lives at an early age. Many of you can't choose which school you want to go to, which syllabus you want to take, which subjects you want to choose, what extra skills and activities you want to undertake, or which course to attend in college. You are forced to do many things because the majority of the society does the same. If this is the case how can your parents expect you to be unique? Is that even possible if all your choices are made for you? No. This is why all decisions concerning a child or a teenager must be made only taking the child's selection and wish into consideration.
You should stand up for your belief and for your perspective. That doesn't make you stubborn, it makes you persistent and strong-willed. No one should be forced into believing in a belief-system. They should be able to take their time and form their own opinion on the topic religion and God. Besides, it is not the religion or the God which you believe in, that matters. It is only your faith which makes a difference.
Go and shout out to all narrow-minded people, who blindly follow every social norm: Unique is good!
Don't allow your true identity to be oppressed by social expectations and norms. Even when your family convinces you that you are wrong, don't believe it. You aren't wrong, you are unique.
Sexual orientation is another topic which is taboo in conservative homes. Being gay is not at all respected as an option. It is atrocious to bring up that topic in a conservative family. Many homosexual people suffer because of the narrow-mindedness of our society. Because of this, many of them look at themselves in a negative manner and have difficulties with accepting their identities, since it is “wrong”. What many of us don't understand or rather what we don't want to accept is that homosexual people aren't responsible for the way the feel about their own gender. It is something natural.
For everyone out there, who thinks homosexuality is not appropriate or “wrong”, remember that it is just your opinion and that you have no right to judge a person because of their sexual identity.
In our society, girl often have to behave in a specific way, do certain things and avoid particular activities. I believe this is because our female ancestors didn't have exposure to many activities which are considered boyish. Girls can't dress in jeans and Tees, do lots of physical work or even work out a lot. Some people find girls with well-defined muscles disgusting or too manly. Girls have so many restrictions at wherever they go. Aren't you tired of hearing “Sit with your legs closed.” or “Don't be out late.” or “Don't talk to boys.” or “Don't wear tight clothes.”? Do you think others have the right to decide how you should behave? I think you yourself should be the judge of it.
Even though all the restrictions mentioned above may seem very trivial, they do make a difference. All these little things together make up who you are. You shouldn't be told how to sit, dress or just how to behave by anyone. You should decide that, because that's who you are.
Don't be afraid of “what others would say”. It absolutely doesn't matter. In the end all that counts is your happiness. Stand up for it, be yourself. Think differently. Create. Be unique.
-- R
* I'm not rude, I'm outspoken.